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Decoder Ring Theatre

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre, home of all-new audio drama adventure, mystery and more, produced in the style of the classic programs of radio's golden age. Please enjoy our extensive archives, and new offerings including video comics, audio novels and more!

Aug 30, 2013

As the tides of war begin to shift in favor of the Allies, all is far from quiet on the Home Front. A new boss of bosses has taken control of the city and declared war upon the Red Panda and his allies! Can this mysterious menace be found and foiled? How can even the Terrific Twosome of Toronto hope to battle......

Aug 14, 2013

David Crogan - smuggler, trader and all-around Lothario - must do battle with one of the ocean's most terrifying creatures!

Remember, look for the Crogan graphic novels at a bookstore near you, and visit !