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Decoder Ring Theatre

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre, home of all-new audio drama adventure, mystery and more, produced in the style of the classic programs of radio's golden age. Please enjoy our extensive archives, and new offerings including video comics, audio novels and more!

Apr 21, 2007

An incognito visit to a traveling circus? Well, even masked heroes get the occasional evening off... or do they? When members of a high-flying family of acrobats find themselves accused of a crime, The Red Panda has even more reason than normal to clear their names and see justice served. After all, even masked heroes...

Apr 7, 2007

  Sometimes crime is so easy to spot. The thug in the alleyway, the mugger on the street... And other times the strangest little things can turn out to be the most sinister. Say... five hundred pounds of bananas that vanish into thin air. Or a load of plastic coconuts. Crimes on a theme? A new menace taking shape? Or is...