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Decoder Ring Theatre

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre, home of all-new audio drama adventure, mystery and more, produced in the style of the classic programs of radio's golden age. Please enjoy our extensive archives, and new offerings including video comics, audio novels and more!

Jan 31, 2021

December 1939. Brave, loyal and true, the Agents of the Red Panda hold high the lamp of justice when darkness falls. But this latest Christmas caper is positively explosive!

An all-new audiobook treatment of part 1 of a 2-part Red Panda short story, written and read by Gregg Taylor. New episodes on the 1st and 15th...

Jan 15, 2021

Chapter 2 of a new Justice and Dixon story,  written by Gregg Taylor and read by Andrea Lyons.

December is not an easy month to deal with, friends. Especially when big, stupid jerks who happen to be your partner are much jollier than thou. What’s a girl detective to do? 

Decoder Ring Theatre Season 16 is powered by...

Jan 1, 2021

Chapter 1 of a new Justice and Dixon story, read and written by Gregg Taylor.

December is the cruelest month, my friends. At least it is if you make your living on the spoils of human misery, like any good detective.  

Decoder Ring Theatre Season 16 is powered by Patreon. Visit to show your...