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Decoder Ring Theatre

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre, home of all-new audio drama adventure, mystery and more, produced in the style of the classic programs of radio's golden age. Please enjoy our extensive archives, and new offerings including video comics, audio novels and more!

Apr 30, 2012

A war is made of many battles, some vast in scope, encompassing borders and armies and forces beyond the comprehension of ordinary men. But perhaps the most vital battles are won and lost within, and if that battle cannot be won, Parker's Rangers won't be making it out of... Thunder Valley!

Apr 14, 2012

The second installment of author Tim Prasil's all-new athology series continues our tour of new worlds of the imagination. This week, a reminder that history is written by the victor, and that the strangest gladitorial arenas are often the ones that appear the most civilized. What will happen when we hear......