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Decoder Ring Theatre

Welcome to Decoder Ring Theatre, home of all-new audio drama adventure, mystery and more, produced in the style of the classic programs of radio's golden age. Please enjoy our extensive archives, and new offerings including video comics, audio novels and more!

Dec 31, 2010

They say that there are no small parts, my friends, only small actors. I've never been entirely clear on exactly what that means, or if the folks that coined the phrase intended it to be as insulting as it is. But one thing is for sure, those thin character sketches that populate the margins are usually kept there for...

Dec 15, 2010

There are few things that cry out for introspection quite like the passing of one year into the next. A time when the rustle of lost illusions crackles underfoot, like a handful of dead leaves in the wind. When past, present and future come together for a single moment to blow a raspberry at you in the shaving mirror. A...

Dec 1, 2010

When everybody's favorite junior boy detective drops by, its usually good for a twist of a certain tail, and our Square-Jawed hero kind of enjoys that, kind of like a mean kid who pulls the wings off flies. But even a bird-dog job courtesy of the Gentleman Detective is tough to smile at when it comes wrapped in... Hush...

Nov 15, 2010

A mysterious monster is tearing through the landscape, destroying anything that gets in its way, and headed straight for Toronto! And nothing the Home Team can throw at this unstoppable object seems equal to the task of playing immovable force. Where did this terrible creation come from? Can anything stop it? And just...

Nov 1, 2010

Time for a night on the town - West Coast Style! When the Flying Squirrel trails a sabotage ring to Vancouver, can a run in with the local masked hero be far behind? And when the Grey Fox turns out to be a heroine with a chip on her shoulder and a nasty temper, the stage is set for one heck of a... Girls' Night...